Factual Fact – First Things First.

Hello and welcome to Fox’s Factual Facts blog, I have been set the task to share in this blog with my radical readers some of my thoughts, opinions and of course factual facts about how teenage girls are represented in a range of mediums (film, television, magazines, newspapers, websites and video games.)  But before I start blogging about all of that I must first explain to you some key words that I’m going to be using a fair amount of throughout my blogs.


According to oxford dictionary representation means “The description or portrayal of someone or something in a particular way.” In the media, representation is used a lot such as perfume/cologne being represented as being able to make anyone sexually attractive to all people.

According to the oxford dictionary stereotype means “A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.” In the media, stereotypes are created and used more often than not in movies, television and magazines an example of a stereotype would be that all blondes are dumb which is not true.

According to the oxford dictionary media means “The main means of mass communication (television, radio, and newspapers) regarded collectively.” The media is used to communicate with all people around the world, about all different things from a natural disaster occurring in a country that will need help, to what a celebrity was wearing at an awards show like the Grammys.

Representations and stereotypes work together in the media to portray to society how teenage girls for example should look, act and dress like. This is so that the media can have a stronger amount of control on what society should consider to be beautiful and what society should consider to be ugly.

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